12 Common Signs of Male Depression
Male depression is very real, and most men try to ignore the issue. Depression in men does look a little different than it does in women. The most common difference is that depression may look like anger, and this can lead to difficulty in recognizing the problem. Women need to learn how to identify the signs and what to do to help the men in their lives. Signs of Male Depression Irrational anger or inappropriate frustration. Most men who experience depression will commonly display episodes of anger. Becoming frustrated quickly can also indicate there is a struggle with male depression. Low energy/poor concentration. When people experience depression, they will often lack energy due to improper resting habits. Poor concentration is sometimes a result of a lack of quality sleep. Feeling hopeless and empty. Depression is the leading cause of feeling hopeless and having a pessimistic outlook. This isn’t just a form of sadness; it is a chronic feeling of despair. Escapist behavior. When men find ways to block out how they feel is it referred to as escaping. They try to block out what is going on by not facing the reality of the situation. Physical symptoms. It is typically harder for men to share their emotions and concerns about those emotions. They find it easier to explain the physical symptoms they are experiencing. These symptoms can include: Headaches. Body aches. Digestive problems. Heart palpitations/heart racing. Tightness in the chest. Lack of sleep. When a person exhibits depression, they may have trouble falling and staying asleep. This is a major indication of male depression. Lack of sleep is also a factor in the risk of having suicidal tendencies. Self-medication or risky behavior. Some men who suffer from male depression will engage in behaviors that are not normal for their [...]